Alibaba Cloud Management

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Alibaba Cloud Integration with Jamcracker Cloud Service Broker and Management Platform

As per Gartner 2020 Magic Quadrant for Cloud Infrastructure and Platform Services, Alibaba Cloud is positioned in Niche Player Quadrant. Adoption of Alibaba cloud is increasing and adoption among Enterprises has also started. With newly achieved integration with Alibaba Cloud, Jamcracker Cloud Management Platform enables Enterprise IT and Cloud Managed Service Providers to plug Alibaba Cloud environment and perform self-service and governance from a single pane of glass.

Benefits of Jamcracker Alibaba Cloud Integration

  • Account Setup – Customers can configure their existing account using an intuitive user interface which allows mapping their cloud credentials currently in use. .
  • VM and associated resources provisioning from store catalog & lifecycle management events from the Manage Instance page.

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Alibaba Cloud Management

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