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Jamcracker Cloud Marketplace

Provisioning and Orchestration

Describes how Enterprises can on board their users of different roles and profiles to the Jamcracker CMP platform directly by either integrating with Enterprise IAM system or Jamcracker provided IAM. It also highlights how CMP platform supports creating deployable custom templates with mapping to native cloud images. Policy features helps to automate scheduled task and triggering event based workflows.

  • End-user provisioning portal
  • Provisioning templates
  • Cloud-platform-native
    provisioning templates
  • Provisioning templates policies
  • Task scheduler
  • Event-based orchestration workflows

Service Request

Jamcracker CMP platform helps enterprises to set-up aggregated catalog of cloud services. Catalog management capabilities enable IT administrators on board various types of Cloud resources templates to the catalog. Self-service portal provides capabilities for request fulfilment by defining fulfilment and approval workflows. Enterprise Admins or the BU heads can define spending limits by using budgeting features. Defining budgets are not only simple but it also gives flexibility to associate with catalog items, Cost centres, Projects, departments etc.

  • Service catalog
  • Provisioning template catalog items
  • Cloud service catalog items
  • Resource pool catalog items
  • Catalog item spending limits
  • Request approval workflows
  • Automated request fulfillment
  • Fulfillment customization
  • Fulfillment via IAM

Monitoring and Analytics

Jamcracker CMP platform has native cloud monitoring features to monitor provisioned resources and analyse configured parameters. Analytics dash boards provide information such as utilization, performance, Up and Down along with ability to set alarms with notifications. It also provides option to download monitoring reports. Enterprises can integrate their own monitoring engines with Jamcracker provided integration APIs.

  • Monitoring dashboards
  • Monitoring reports
  • Cloud resource performance monitoring
  • Monitoring alerts policies
  • Multichannel alert events notifications

Inventory and Classification

Jamcracker Cloud Management Platform provides full insight of the provisioned resources inventory in a single click. Not only it enable Enterprise to view and manage the resources from dash boards and management consoles, it also helps them to classify using resource tagging functionality. Untagged resources are automatically detected and get classified separately to track costs. CMP platform audits any changes done in resources and tracks the cost changes. Jamcracker CCA framework allows enterprise to plug in their existing automation assets be it individual scripts or complex orchestrating tools. This helps to rationalize feature parity of brownfield.

  • Cloud resource discovery
  • Cloud resource inventory
  • Brownfield feature parity
  • Cloud resource configuration change monitoring
  • Cloud resource configuration policies
  • Cloud resource configuration actions
  • Cloud-platform-native tagging integration
  • Cloud-platform-native tag editor
  • Untagged resource detection
  • Untagged resource actions

Cost Management and Resource Optimization

Jamcracker cloud costs management features enables enterprise to track and control cost and spent scenarios across organization in better way. By providing a multi-dimensional view of cloud usage and expenses, it helps enterprises to take prompt and efficient decisions about cloud cost. It provides meaningful cloud cost and usage data by projects, departments, products, cloud providers and business units. Budgeting features and show back repots helps to find variance and anomalies on the spent. Administrators can use tag-your resources policy and define your segments to track the cost by projects, departments, products or business units.

  • Cloud platform price list API integration
  • Cloud platform billing API integration
  • Resource utilization dashboards
  • Cost-tracking dashboards
  • Cost-tracking reports
  • Cost forecasts
  • Budget definition and visualization
  • Budget alert policies
  • Spending anomaly detection
  • Rightsizing recommendations — compute instances
  • Reserved infrastructure — compute instance coverage and utilization
  • Reserved infrastructure — compute instance purchase recommendations
  • Billing markup
  • Scheduling policies
  • Cloud resource pricing comparison
  • Multiple-currency support

Cloud Migration, Backup and DR

Jamcracker Cloud Management Platform provides life cycle management of infrastructure resources. This enables IT Admins to take Image & Volume snapshots from the unified self- service portal. Define snapshot policies to automate your recurring task based on events or schedule. Unified Management portal along with Ansible powered DevOps framework allows Enterprises to take Object storage snapshots and use snapshots to re build the environments seamlessly. Migration planner enables IT Administrators to plan and track cost and progress their migration projects

  • Object storage backup policies
  • Object storage life cycle policies
  • Block storage snapshot
  • Block storage backup policies
  • Compute instance backup policies
  • Object storage point-in-time restore
  • Block storage point-in-time restore
  • Compute instance point-in-time restore
  • Compute instance migration recommendations

Identity, Security and Compliance

Jamcracker Cloud Management Platform RBAC features to define privileges access of CMP platform for enterprise users’ roles. Provisioning engine provides flexibility to configure and manage security parameters for resources. Native monitoring engine monitors network along with virtual infrastructure.

  • RBAC
  • Cloud-platform-native console SSO
  • Role-based dashboards
  • Security configuration management
  • Multichannel security event notifications
  • Network flow monitoring
  • Cloud platform activity log

Packaging and Delivery

Jamcracker Cloud Management Platform is easy to deploy and securely integrates with external systems over APIs. Multiple cloud providers or technologies are pre-integrated. Enterprise deployment connects securely with Multi or Hybrid Cloud environments and enables secure access. Platform also provides incident reporting and management features with capability to integrate Enterprise ITSM.

  • Cloud platform connector dedicated role
  • Secured API endpoints
  • Authentication via SSO using SAML
  • Multicloud aggregation
  • CMP activity log
  • Free online self-service support
  • Online incident reporting
  • Live support offering (English)

SaaS Version

Packages are designed by keeping requirements of various business and technical functions within enterprises in mind. Customers can evaluate and buy Jamcracker Cloud Management Platform from AWS and Azure cloud marketplace.

  • Delivery model — SaaS
  • Free trial

Use Case for Managed Service Providers (MSPs)

Jamcracker Cloud platform comes with customizable, automated order processing flows, where MSP's can onboard anything as a service, platform also comes with integration with prominent cloud like AWS, Microsoft Azure, Huawei Cloud, Google Cloud, vCD, vCenter and many more, define your own prices, as a Manage service provider issue discounts or add mark-ups, create customized quotation, track quotations, easily convert quotations to orders, also provides seamless online shopping experience to your customers.

MSP's can easily manage orders and tracked till its provisioned and generate invoice, easily charge your customers as it can be integrated any payment gateway or ERP systems.