About Jamcracker

Jamcracker as a company has over two decades of experience in offering industry-leading cloud services via our marketplace. From being a pure Multi-Tenant, Multi Cloud, service brokerage platform Jamcracker has evolved to providing a comprehensive range of solutions beyond cloud services. Jamcracker has undergone significant transformation over time, expanding its offerings to address diverse needs of the market in the dynamic landscape of digital services. This evolution reflects the company's commitment to adapting to the ever-changing industry trends and fulfilling the evolving requirements of our clients.

The transformation of Jamcracker has led to a more extensive portfolio that goes beyond traditional cloud services. This may include digital marketplace solutions, advanced management tools, governance frameworks, billing and innovative services catering to the changing demands of Enterprises, Government Organizations, Telecom service providers, Managed service providers, System Integrators, Distributors, Value-added Resellers, Technology providers and Cloud Resellers.

Our robust digital marketplace platform enables organizations to manage, deliver, govern and bill a wide range of cloud and non-cloud services. This includes support for public, private, and hybrid multi-cloud services, as well as the ability to broker any third-party Independent Software Vendor (ISV) services within the digital marketplace. Using Jamcracker's solutions, Organizations and Service providers can unify and optimize the delivery of digital marketplace services for their employees, customers, and channels.

Jamcracker offers the flexibility needed to respond to rapidly changing business requirements within the digital marketplace. The platform significantly reduces the complexity and cost associated with multi-cloud and non-cloud service management and delivery through automated provisioning and management. Furthermore, our platform automates critical aspects of digital marketplace governance, cost management, policy controls, operations management and most crucial of them billing.

One notable and prominent feature of Jamcracker's suite of solutions is its emphasis on billing. In response to the growing importance of efficient financial management in cloud and digital service environments, Jamcracker offers a unified billing solution. This includes features such as accurate and transparent billing processes, cost management tools, and the automation of financial aspects related to cloud and digital services.

Our digital marketplace can be used to sell a diverse range of products and services catering to various industries, segments and consumer needs.

To sum it up, the success and adoption of Jamcracker's digital marketplace globally underscores our reputation as a trusted and effective solution in the realm of digital services.