Case Studies

Case Study

An Enterprise Blockchain Technology Company in South East Asia

Enterprise Multi Cloud Management Solution solving Cloud Cost Governance... Read More

Case Study

Vology - A Microsoft CSP Direct (Tier-1) Partner in USA - Digital Marketplace Solution for Microsoft CSP O365 Services

US leading Managed IT service provider Vology... Read More

Case Study

RNP - Jamcracker Partnering with Service Provider Addressing Research & Education Community in Brasil

Jamcracker partnering with cloud services providers... Read More

Case Study

SWITCH - Jamcracker Partnering with Service Provider Addressing Research & Education Community in Switzerland

Jamcracker partnering with cloud services providers... Read More

Case Study

Telefônica Brazil Cloud Marketplace

Vivo digital platform is a kind of marketplace that hosts Microsoft services, products, and solutions highlighting Cloud Azure... Read More

Case Study

Grameenphone Cloud Marketplace

Grameenphone (a JV between Telenor & Grameen Telecom) the leading telecom service provider in Bangladesh... Read More

Case Study

Jamcracker Partnering with Managed Service Provider to Accelerate Cloud Adoption in Nordic Region

Managed Service Provider partnered... Read More

Case Study

Panasonic Applications and Cloud Services Marketplace

Panasonic Partners with Jamcracker to Provide Application Development and Delivery Marketplace...Read More

Case Study

SCC - Technology Solutions Provider

SCC expands their Cloud Delivered Managed Services by using Jamcracker Cloud Management...Read More