Migrate Existing Workloads to AWS Seamlessly with Jamcracker CMP

Cloud adoption is booming, with businesses seeking the scalability and agility of cloud platforms like AWS. However, migrating existing workloads to AWS can be a complex process. Here's where Jamcracker CMP steps in, offering a comprehensive solution to streamline your journey.

Why Migrate to AWS?

  • Enhanced Scalability: Effortlessly scale resources up or down to meet fluctuating business demands. Increased Agility: Rapidly provision and deploy resources to accelerate innovation.
  • Cost Optimization: Benefit from pay-as-you-go pricing and eliminate upfront infrastructure costs.
  • Improved Security: Leverage robust security features built into the AWS platform.

Challenges of Cloud Workload Migration

Migrating on-premise workloads to the cloud presents several hurdles, including:

  • Heterogeneous Environments: Integrating disparate systems and platforms can be challenging.
  • Security Considerations: Maintaining security throughout the migration process is crucial.
  • Downtime Management: Minimizing downtime during migration is essential for business continuity.
  • Expertise Gap: The in-house team might lack the specific skillset for a smooth migration.

To simplify the procedure, Jamcracker CMP’s new cloud migration feature, businesses can seamlessly perform their Cloud Workload Migration to AWS at ease, thus optimizing their usage and ensuring a successful migration experience. The blog will further explain the migration use case.

  1. Cloud First strategy kept many CIOs busy with their cloud migration work. Cloud migration projects were quite a heavy lifting for CIOs as well as their migration partners. But it accelerated good growth for Public Cloud service providers.
  2. As per Gartner 2020 Magic Quadrant for Cloud Infrastructure and Platform Services, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud continues to appear as a market leader. Public cloud infrastructure services (IaaS) service providers are able to win the trust of CIOs since they could continuously deliver availability, reliability, security and scalability.
  3. Now enterprises have set examples for their peers and successful migrations, deployments, are available as a reference model.
  4. With the increase in Multi-Cloud adoption, AWS has been one of the primary choices for SMBs and Enterprises to migrate their workload. AWS has also made matured technology and framework available to its users to migrate seamlessly.
  5. The latest release of Jamcracker Cloud Management Platform has extended its governance features for automated AWS migration. With the Jamcracker platform, now organizations can seamlessly migrate workloads running in any cloud or virtualized environment to AWS.

Jamcracker CMP empowers a seamless and efficient migration to AWS:

Let’s understand AWS Cloud Migration with the help of a use case:

You have IT assets hosted in your datacentre having VMware vCenter environment and planning to move them to AWS. You just have to follow simple 3 steps.


        a. Source Environment

        b. AWS Environment

    If you are already using the Jamcracker Cloud Management Platform, no change or additional environment configuration needed. If you don’t have an AWS account, the Jamcracker platform can create one for you. It also helps you in setting up your CloudEndure account in AWS.

2. Tag workloads to be migrated

Jamcracker CMP already has VM inventory of your configured environment. Identify workloads you want to migrate, and if you want to track your migration project create inventory and upload in Migration Dashboard.

3. Initiate Migration

Now navigate to the JDF (Resource Script) page and select the right script and start your migration process. While workload migration is in progress, Jamcracker also provides status monitoring of migration automation scripts. Let’s look at what happens behind the scene.

AWS Cloud Migration process involves the following activities from JSDN dev-ops:

  1. Setting up the migration project in AWS CoudEndure.
  2. Agent installation in the source VM.
  3. Start of replication of the source machine in the target AWS cloud.
  4. Test launch of target VMs in AWS environment.
  5. Cut-over or actual production launch of the target machine.

Post successful migration, your VMs and resources are available to view in Jamcracker CMP platform under “Manage Instance” option.

This complete automation with tracking of migration projects has increased IT department efficiency to carry out migration workloads to AWS. After migrating to AWS you can have a full track to of your cost visibility along with IT governance.